Your partner to navigate the many facets of organizational well-being.


I value curiosity. My name is Doug Duerr, your partner to navigate the many facets of organizational well-being. I support and empower organizations and individuals to live in their purpose and function at their highest, healthiest level.

Education and Development are Passions:
I’ve taught hundreds of students, teams and groups in person and through online learning platforms. I created a masterclass on life purpose which I teach online regularly throughout the year.

Adaptive Leadership is a framework supporting individuals and organizations as they adapt and thrive in challenging environments. It is being able, both individually and collectively, to take on the gradual and meaning-filled experience of change in real time.

1. We Explore our discomfort
2. We Honor diversity
3. We Model transparency
4. We Hold ourselves and each other accountable
5. We Utilize active listening skills
6. We Embody our chosen values
7. We Identify our strengths
8. We Discover our growing edges
9. We Become the example
10. We Celebrate our achievements

How I Support:

I partner with communities of all sizes, shapes and design both not for profit and for profit to support committed community members, staff and leadership develop the interpersonal and creative opportunities to create true relationships and vulnerable trust.

The content is organic, yet poised, planned and creative in theory and tools that support multiple intelligences and experiential learning. I support and help strengthen the skills of individuals, teams and groups who, in turn, become empowered to lead, share their voices and become accountable.

I’m a coach at heart, so the tools I use are only as powerful as the willing participant. I help create systems that are understandable and doable. I also challenge the way things are simply because they are. The power of knowing our WHY. This becomes a deeper understanding of our behaviors, values, belief systems and what propels us forward. Our experiences are unique as we are and yet we also share a collective journey.

Since 1998, my focused changed into something greater. My own journey to take a deeper dive while supporting others on their personal quest began. I have witnessed again and again the positive impact of how vulnerability created strength in myself and others.

  • Learning or unlearning behaviors/habits
  • Moving from reacting to responding
  • Adaptive leadership “The Chaos Model” “Surrender to the Wilderness”
  • Becoming non-anxious in the discomfort of a changing environments (i.e turnover, terminations, lay-offs, retirements, redirection of organization, restructuring)
  • Alleviating blame consciousness
  • Facilitate conversations
  • Listening skills
  • Storytelling
  • Empathy
  • Articulate vision, purpose, and mission
  • Identify and establish core values (both organizational and individual)
  • Conflict transformation (once referred to as conflict mediation or resolution)
  • Define organization flow/roles and responsibilities
  • Review bylaws and agreements with fresh eyes
  • Create mutual agreements for how to operate as an effective team

”What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Are we the right fit to work together?

Who I am looking for:

Organizations, teams and individuals willing to take a chance on letting go of what you know and lean into the wilderness. The same familiar model in a new world may not be the answer.

I’ll join your organization in the midst of great change, as we grow out of our existing, traditional models of business to one that gives way to the stories that make us uniquely who we are.

One-on-one coaching: When a leader needs a leader to unpack and share ideas, thoughts or concerns. When a minister needs a minister or when you’re too close to be neutral to a situation. Need coaching or simply a listening ear? Reach out. I’m here.

The following list will give you a window into the type of group, individual or organization that would benefit the most from our time together.

Coachable. Open & Receptive. Eager & Curious. Acknowledges a shared responsibility. Does not use "blame & shame" techniques or strategies. Accepts responsibility for their own experiences. Accountable. Does not make assumptions. Shows up and is present. Willingness.

What Others Say


Doug's not heavy-handed with recommendations; he knows his stuff but is also open minded. He's just got ‘it,’ whatever “it” is. I’m sure that's why he’s so comfortable in leadership with groups that are going through big changes.

Member Board of Trustees


Our community has benefited greatly from your visits for all the right reasons.

Board Member


…open, loving, funny, connector, engaging, creative, enthusiastic, wise, definitive core values, heart-centered…

Online Learner


His gentle, candid, yet loving method of leading discussions really gave us courage to proceed…This man's coaching is valuable to a vibrant, exciting new ministry and I am appreciative of his enthusiasm, interest and involvement as we look toward a loving, positive future.

Board Member


We are grateful having him with us as our community expands and heals from past events. We welcome him here anytime. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Board Member


The whole workshop was fun and useful. Doug does a good job talking to us, not at us. I feel like he understands us and really cares about our success.

Community Leader


Rather than feel isolated or adrift, Doug’s warmth and mirthful personality have helped our congregation realign our hearts enthusiastically…Doug has brought a sense of FUN into our community and he is deeply appreciated by all for his loving insight on each occasion he has visited.

Leadership Team


Doug radiates so much love to his audience that the love fills the room as he leads the discussion. Doug is very sensitive to his audience and reads people very well…Doug ‘gets his point across’ in a very non-confrontational manner that is accepting by his audience, and we relish his visits.

Community Member


It was Rev. Doug that gave us the opportunity to put our visions into words, creating a working outline that would assist us in achieving our goals. For that I am so grateful for the love and guidance that is evident in Rev. Doug's teaching abilities.

Student in Discerning Your Purpose


Rev. Doug was a phenomenal facilitator and instructor, and was masterful in drawing out meaningful insights from every student.

Online Learner

My Philosophy

I'm able to see from the balcony and also the intimate details while I support, empower and guide toward the big picture, but I commit to never rushing the process.

From a neutral perspective, I honor the organic nature of who the individual, team or system ultimately becomes. There’s always choice.

I never prescribe — I listen. I don’t consider myself a fixer, rescuer or savior. Instead, we will work together to create a culture of safety, trust, and accountability.

My goal is to support the creation of a healthy system built on regular check ups, ongoing education, development and connection. Community wellness, for me is paramount. It is the capacity to practice and remember our wholeness.

I’m about radical gratitude, generosity and integrity.

There are five basic principles to support every moment of our work together.   


"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -Harriet Tubman

Reaching out is a powerful step towards overcoming obstacles. Let’s discuss the possibility of working together to create a system of well-being in your organization.