
Hello, I'm Doug.


With a smile and a gentle pause, I support life-affirming connections and healthy relationships for individuals and communities. I serve and support a variety of organizations (both for-profit and not-for-profit) specializing in Faith based communities.

I "companion" rather than "consult” and have been called "the compassionate companion." Cultivating authenticity and peace is deep, meaningful work for me. I believe authenticity happens when we embrace our vulnerable moments and peace becomes realized when we step into the space of where our stories are shared. This occurs one person, community, and organization at a time.

I've spent over 10,000 contact hours with leaders, small groups and communities navigating change. Many of these hours have been in a virtual connection platform. In-person or on line, together, we create empowered individuals and communities, realizing goals, and discovering the value of healthy communication. And, we always have time to laugh!

Coaching, companioning and empowering individuals and communities is a gift I was born to share.

My Core Values

Belonging • Contribution • Kindness • Play

Who I Am

I’m a harmony-seeking idealist with a pioneer’s heart and a creative visionary’s mind.

Empathy, connection, and support are my big strengths. I’ve seen the world through multiple facets of personal life experiences as well as supporting others as they walk through the storm.

Head knowledge will carry us so far, but it's the heart of compassion that takes the lead. My intuitive nature serves individuals as well as organizations when they begin to look past the mental structure, let go of the “plan,” and dive deeper into the organic nature of living a purpose-filled life.

Always drawn forward, I have been blessed with lessons that can’t be gathered in theory or case studies, but in actual life experience—these are the vulnerable moments that call us out into the brave open wilderness.

Every step leads deeply into "becoming" rather than sitting on the sidelines.

  • Masters Program, Graduate, Unity Institute & Seminary
  • Minister Licensed & Ordained, Unity Worldwide Ministries
  • Certified SQ (Spiritual Intelligence) Coach
  • Certified Ministry Transition Specialist, Unity Worldwide Ministries
  • Life Strategies Coaching Certification
  • Dare to Lead™ Trained — Brené Brown
  • Certified Ministry Consultant, Unity Worldwide Ministries
  • Grief Support Facilitator
  • Teaching Healthy Lifestyle Principles Certification
  • Conflict Transformation — Mediation Skills Training Institute
  • Transitional and Interim Ministry Certified — Interim Ministry Network
  • Instructor Certification — Yoga
  • Certifications in Child Abuse Prevention, Harassment & Bullying
  • Board Leadership & Development Certification
  • Leadership Communications & Human Relations — Dale Carnegie
  • Licensed Texas Real Estate Agent
  • Discerning Your Purpose UWSI
  • Certified SYMBIS assessment facilitator
    • Author 2 books, 1 co-authored best seller and 1 to be released in 2023
    • Children's Book Author
    • Keynote Speaker
    • Creator, Author and Teacher of “Discerning Your Purpose”

  • Board of Directors 2020-2023, Board President 2024 — Interim Ministry Network. “Through education and peer support, The Interim Ministry Network strengthens the spiritual and organizational health of faith communities by equipping and supporting those who lead during times of transition.”
  • City of Houston Certificate of recognition for outstanding contributions to the Westland Family YMCA — Initiating job readiness for under employed adults, liaison with community leaders and contributing to the revitalization of Southwest Houston
  • Canine Rescue Advocate (I've learned from 5)
  • Equine Sidewalker — Customized equine assisted services to provide therapeutic horsemanship programs to children and adults who have physical, cognitive, social, or emotional needs.
  • 2008 Volunteer of the Year Greater Houston Y
  • Summer Camp Volunteer for YMCA Children's Programs

Education and Development are Passions

“Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness. They are able to weave a complex web of connections among themselves, their subjects, and their students so that students can learn to weave a world for themselves.”― Parker J. Palmer

I’ve taught hundreds of adult learners through online platforms, as well as, in person learning in courses on topics from life purpose, behaviors, values and beliefs, mediation, grief, conflict transformation and board development to science and spirituality, but my course “Discerning Your Purpose” has been met with the most enthusiasm each term. You’re always welcome to join on the adventure! UWSI

“Discerning Your Purpose” provides a process for challenging your thoughts and desires along with accountability steps to manifest that achievement. Participants explore their skills, abilities and gifts while discovering the ‘next steps’ for progressing to the desired outcome. I created and designed this course from my years as a personal coach, trainer, and mentor to many on the path of self-discovery. It was ultimately discovering my own purpose in ministry that opened the gateway to so much more.

“Discerning the purposeful path in any field is our greatest point of awareness. Invite your inner wisdom teacher to emerge. It knows the way.” —Rev Doug Duerr

  • Grief
  • Wellness
  • Chaplaincy
  • Leadership
  • Reaching Out — by Henri Nouwen
  • Ministry Consulting
  • Conflict Transformation
  • Change and Transition
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Ethics and Accountability
  • Purpose (Vision, Mission and Values)
  • Behaviors, Values and Beliefs
  • Board Development
  • Active Listening Skills
  • Healthy Boundaries — "Yes & No"

On a personal note...

My best friend is a dog named Sophie Grace. She’s a rescue and an awesome office assistant. We have plenty of space to romp, garden and explore.

I love Horses. They've always been blessings to me. From my earliest childhood memories to now. I feel at home near these sentient beings. A long ride is about the surrender and the deep bond of trust.

My family and close friends are my greatest gifts. I am truly blessed.

Answering the call and being ordained mark sacred moments in my life and also an anointing of a long journey to that point. "You are an unstoppable Spirit of Love and Kindness" someone once said to me, and I remember those words landing authentically on my soul. As an ordained minister, I serve, support and am committed to the shared spiritual awakening of humanity through the practice of compassion, intention, affirmative prayer and action. Through this practice, I believe we do "move mountains." I honor the diversity and genius in all of creation and find my calling to be a reminder of the light of God in all people. We each weave our life experiences and apply spiritual principles regardless of our individual faith traditions or the lack there of. Our shared humanity gives us curriculum to navigate the sacred connection to each other. I see the possibility of peace in conflict, amazing love in times of separation and unity in our humanity.

The dedication and discipline required to enter the dance floor and compete was both exhilarating and frightening. I used this place of self-care and fun to also support the work I do. We all have a dancer seeking to find their place on the floor. In competitions it brought a new awareness of being “judged.” I got to work through the process of what that feels like and ultimately what I became through this artful discipline.

As a yoga student and then becoming a teacher I realized we all are gifted artists! Fueled with steady movements and sacred breath- we create! While Yoga is a practice of calming the inner sanctuary, it’s also physically and metaphorically about stretching. Mindful care of our mind, body and spirit will support creating an outer world into a space of harmony. Our imagination creates the world in which we live; our thoughts, words, and actions manifest onto the canvas that becomes a masterpiece! I enjoy using the divine flow of imagination to design, write, speak and live! Take good care of your mind, body and spirit. Namaste.


Are you ready to begin the journey?