
"In my years as a coach, trainer, teacher and grief facilitator, I acknowledged results, which motivates, but it’s when everything appears to stop moving outwardly that I’ve witnessed discouragement, sadness, or anger within groups and individuals. This is where the magic actually begins!

Embracing internal and external conflict is a powerful tool. The stages of growth happen exponentially here in this space. We share sorrows and joys. We move beyond the story we’ve created to a celebration of true community and celebrate new places of self-awareness.

I agree with M Scott Peck’s idea of “true community” and believe we’re at the edge of this experience every time we chose to step beyond pseudo-symptoms and embrace our world and communities where they are. Not only the light and strength within every person but also those moments when we’ve forgotten who we’ve come here to be. It’s a both and conversation.

About true community, I see Peck's work, as a shift from the “me”-personality into a collective “we” in unity. For me, this is surrendering to what is and holding the possibility of what’s being created. The future looks bright when we begin to practice the power of this moment even when the outer circumstances look to be dim. I’ve witnessed many surrendering opportunities on my own journey, as I know you have too. I see it this way: I'll meet you where you are, see you, hear you and we'll take this journey together. It’s a greater call into deep listening in a big way. Peck refers to this “as soft quietness descends. It is a kind of peace. The room is bathed in peace.”

Conscious leadership and organizational well-being opens the door to vulnerability and empathy. Developing leaders, teams and groups is about true community connection. I believe we create our visible world through our highest level of conscious thoughts, so in this belief, a mighty stream of coherence is formed when we join our collective hearts and minds to affirm a unified vision and unquestionably a value of unity." -Rev. Doug Duerr

Some of the books and resources I utilize and recommend are listed here. Of course there are many more, but this may give you some tools to use depending on your organization.

Ministry Specific

Organization Leadership

  • Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg
  • Braving The Wilderness, Brené Brown
  • The Five Invitations, Frank Ostaseski
  • Uproar, Peter Steinke
  • Managing Transitions, William Bridges
  • Getting Naked, Patrick Lencioni
  • The Zen of Groups, Anne Bailey, Bill Taylor, and Dale Hunter
  • Good to Great, Jim Collins